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Frequent public transport users

If you travel frequently by train, bus or tram, your best cost-effective option is the U-Abo Subscription.

Occasional public transport users

If you travel by public transport from time to time, you save 10% when you use a Multi-use Ticket.

Day tourism and excursions

Returning the same day over more than 5 zones without a Halbtax (Half-Fare) travelcard? Then your best bet is the day-ticket (all day run-around ticket) at CHF 20.20.

Junior Travelcard / Children's Co-Travelcard

With the Junior Travelcard/Children's Co-Travelcard (Junior-Karte/Kinder-Mitfahrkarte), children between the ages of 6 and 16 travel free of charge when accompanied by a parent with a Junior Travelcard or by the holder of the Children's Co-Travelcard. The adult must have a valid ticket (TNW Single Ticket, Multi-us Ticket, Day Ticket, U-Abo Subscription or GA Travelcard). The Junior Travelcard/Children's Co-Travelcard can be purchased at SBB ticket counters and costs CHF 30 per child (please bring your child's passport or an official photographic ID).


Children up to the age of 6 can travel free of charge. The reduced price must be paid for children from the age of 6 to the age of 16 (15.99).


Reduced price options are available for groups and school classes of 10 or more. A requirement from all the transport companies is advance pre-registration. Group tickets are available at the larger sales points/stations as well as many TNW ticket machines. Sales offices will be glad to help you plan your trip.

Events (S-Tickets)

The TNW offers a variety of one-off tickets for special events (carnival etc.). Special event tickets are available at TNW ticket machines.

U-Abo voucher portal

U-Abo owners now benefit from additional exclusive discounts.
You can find your personal voucher offers in the «Home of U-Abo» at; create your personal login or if you already have one, you can simply log in. The voucher portal is constantly updated. A regular visit is worthwhile, especially since the offers are limited in time and quantity.